
Training tehnic avansat pentru Inginerul Software de mâine

Programele noastre de training tehnic se remarcă prin calitate, prin caracterul hands-on,  prin gradul înalt de specializare și prin robustețea implementării software. Aceste calități reflectă expertiza noastră practică acumulată în proiecte din industrie, în special în proiecte de Autonomous Driving și de IoT industrial.

Pe lângă aceste arii, cursurile includ și tehnologii esențiale precum AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, Linux, C++ modern, Python sau Cybersecurity, reprezentand fundația necesară pentru a aborda tehnologiile avansate și provocarile interdisciplinare ale viitorului.

Portofoliul nostru include peste 100 de cursuri practice, hands-on, acoperind subiecte avansate de inginerie software, concepute pentru a oferi expertiza tehnica solida si aprofundata.

Cybersecurity pentru Ingineri Software

live online classroom
Devino Inginer Deep Learning

Deep Learning for Computer Vision

live online classroom led by Autonomous Driving experts

Micii programatori

Dă-i ocazia copilului să descopere lumea fascinantă a programării! Învățăm programare asa cum trebuie. Ne vedem de doua ori in fiecare săptamână, câte 90 de minute pe zi, în grupuri mici. 

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Brigitta Butaru

Senior C++ Software Engineer
I liked the hands-on experience. The range of topics presented was wide and well structured: the entire training was a pleasure to attend: good material, immersive hands on examples, good pace, and a special thanks to the trainer for a job well done!

Alina Andrei

Software Engineer
I would like to mention that Paul was one of the best teachers, knowing how to emphasize the most important parts of the course and spending enough time on them in order for us to understand the concepts. Moreover, he provided many practical examples and knew how to simply explain the concepts for our level of knowledge at that time, which helped us assimilate them easily. All these skills, together with the years of experience he has, make Paul one of the best trainers I met.

Remus Kulcsar

Senior Software Engineer
Well structured course. The trainer was very well prepared and with hands on experience and this was very nice to have, especially when responding to our targeted questions.